Monday, January 17, 2011

Play House=Fun House

Auntie Cheryl & Uncle Charles bought our Princess the most adorable play house for her 2nd Christmas. It was back ordered for over 4 weeks, so it didn't arrive until the 5th of January. Trust me when I say this....It was well worth the wait. During Skyler's nap time, Tom assembled the play house in the enclosed patio and we kept the blinds on french doors shut. When she woke up, he walked her to the surprise area where I was eagerly waiting on the other side with my camera. Her expression was golden! She gasped loudly and this was just a sample of her reaction.....

She wasted no time exploring it and within minutes, she put her imagination to work and brought in all her favorites!

It features a full size door, working shutters, a decorative shingled roof with a skylight and a yellow flower box. It evens comes with an electronic phone and doorbell. Inside is a clock and a range that can be flipped over to become an outside barbecue grill.

She spent all day playing in it. She even rolled her grocery cart in and started lining the selves up with groceries! I couldn't help but laugh. I guess she's inherited my organization skills. Tom likes to call it my anal gene!

I caught her changing the hands on the clock. It was set for 7:15 but she changed it to an earlier hour. Perhaps she knows that 7:30 is her "get ready for bedtime" hour and wanted to fool us later that evening! lol

Skyler couldn't wait to show of her new pad to her Glammey. Believe it or not, but it's very roomy and the roof is high enough for adults to join in the fun! I never thought I'd see the day where my Mum would crawl into a children's play house and spend an afternoon in it! It's become quite the popular spot and Glammey knows all about it!

Even Laney wanted to be included in fun with Skyler, Glammey and Barney.

The day finally ended with a tea party. She's quite the good hostess! Tom's cousin Bob & Sandy, from Connecticut, sent Sky the cutest talking tea set for Christmas. She certainly has been enjoying it and now keeps it in her house. I think all these toys are great for sparking Skyler's imagination. She seems naturally inclined to tap into her creativity. I enjoy watching how she puts her fanciful thinking into action.

I'm certain Skyler would love to entertain more visitors in her new play house. Be sure to put it on your "To Do" list for 2011! I recommend you dress in some comfy clothes and don't forget to wear your pretties!

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