Anyone who has spent some time with Skyler can genuinely attest that she will brighten your day and leave you smiling. I sometimes describe her like a fresh bouquet of flowers....full of color with a sweet fragrance, producing a long lasting treat that is similar to sunshine!
Papa spent 5 days in the hospital and she was eager to visit, now that he was resting at home. The added bonus, when we drove to St Petersburg on Labor Day, was also spending those 7 hours with Gammey, Auntie Nicola & Uncle Bogie. Going to her Grandparents is just plain fun. No toys are needed, because they truly create their own amusement, starting with colanders.....metal & plastic!

After a quick rest, Auntie Nicola & Skyler sat down to discuss their next move. It invloved the rolling office chair, creating free visable entertainment for Papa & Uncle Bogie.

They rolled where ever they could find tile.....

Dinner was served and Sky just acted like a big girl, sitting on a chair, (propped up on a pillow for some height) with the family. I was still stuffed from all the goodies at Lake Roy, so no appetite for me.

As I washed the dishes and Mum put the pans away, another game ensued. Sky found a drawer containing wooden sticks and had fun placing them in Gammey's back pocket, counting each one.

After her bath, Sweet Pea grabbed a few bottles of bubbles and shared her findings with Papa.

Finally some resting.....

along with a Vogue magazine for leisure reading.....

Notice how she points to the diamonds....

We enjoyed the time together before Auntie Nicola & Uncle Bogie headed back to Idaho. It was a great Monday seeing Papa and the clan! We said our goodbyes and drove back to Lakeland. Skyler just adores her Papa and gave him many kisses and tons of smiles. Simply the best medicine anywhere!

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