Friday, September 20, 2013

Cubbies Is Back!!!

Awana is back which means Skyler just started her second year of Cubbies! She was one excited little girl. Sky loves learning about God - the greatness of His love and His word - and about His son, Jesus Christ, the promised Savior!
A few changes have been made this year. First, classes are now on Sunday evenings instead of Wednesdays. This helps our family a bunch, since the Princess was not getting home until 8:30 and had to get up for Kiwanis at 5:45 the next morning. Also, the hours have changed from 6:30-8PM to 6-7:30PM. Insert another happy face!

The children will still enjoy puppet shows and exciting games that reinforce the Story Time lessons, but the handbook has changed from Hopper Celebration to the Appleseed & Honeycomb handbooks. Both combine scripture memory with parent-child activities to help Skyler grasp biblical truths. The curriculum is written in full, storybook style with read-aloud stories and lovable characters that appeal to PreK kids.
Sky has not only added badges to her vest (from all her hard work from last year), but she now sports a new Cubbie shirt and her very own book bag! By May of 2014, her vest will be completed, displaying all her awards and she will graduate to the next level.....Sparks! Sparks is a 3 year program (K thru 2 grade). The program will ignite Skyler's curiosity to learn about the people and events of the bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ.

I believe in my heart that Skyler is learning each Sunday at church, as well as home. Please allow me to share the most recent conversation we had while driving to school:

Skyler: Mummy, I'm going to do my very best today!
Me: That's wonderful, Skyler!
Skyler: You wanna know why?
Me: Why, Princess?
Skyler: Because I might get to meet Jesus today which also means I get to see Papa, Grandma Iona and Bama!
Me: That's right, Skyler. Today could be the day that Jesus returns, as promised!

One word.......P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S!!

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