Sunday, August 8, 2010

Playin' Hooky!

It was an overcast, cloudy Friday and Skyler & I decided not to let the weather take the energy out of us! Her big blue eyes were speaking p-e-r-f-e-c-t beach weather, so by 10am we had the car packed and headed west on I-4 to Glammey & Papa's.

I know what you're thinking....clouds? showers? Perfect beach weather? Well, when you have a toddler, lounging on a beach chair (book in hand) while working on your tan does NOT exists! lol... Instead it's playing in the water & sand with little rest! Glammey joined us and we had no worries of sunburns at Madeira Beach.

Because of the early showers and overcast skies, we pretty much had the beach to ourselves. Skyler wasted no time running into the Gulf while making Glammey chase her.

She had a blast just running back and forth to the shore and flopping down in the water. It became a game where she would imitate a frog in a pond, then just spring up and race towards our beach chairs to sit for a slight break. It was quite humorous and you can see in the pictures below that she didn't miss the sun one ounce!

By the end of the afternoon we noticed a few more families sharing the Gulf with us and one couple was kind enough to take a few snap shots of us in action.

A trip to the beach is never complete without a visit from a few Seagulls! A favorite for our Skyler.

The clouds started to break up and the sun finally reared her beauty before we wrapped up our Friday. It was our own little paradise and it definitely beats a day at the office anytime!

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