Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Up, Up & Away!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly? Not enclosed in an airplane, but out in the open, just like a bird. To soar hundreds of feet in the air, seeing the land stretch out for miles below you. Well, that's exactly what the Princess, Gammey and I did last Monday!
We left Lakeland to meet one hour before sunrise at the Radisson Resort in Orlando. From there, we were shuttled over to a large grassy field a few miles away and watched, with amazement, how these beautiful balloons inflate. All 315,000 cubic feet! Silly Skyler below....

Our pilot was Damien Mahoney who has over 14 years of hot air balloon experience. He is known to have more experience flying the Orlando area than anyone. Plus, he's their chief pilot, so that calmed Gammey's nerves! Damien's knowledge and Irish charm kept us entertained during the 1 1/2 ride!
The inflation begins....

Skyler was in awe!

There were three balloons taking of that morning....

Our hot air balloon basket could hold 24 adults! The basket is called a partition basket. It not only gives the guests more maneuverability but the pilot as well. Meaning, our party was in separate compartment from the pilot, keeping the focus on the ride and the Damien's focus on the equipment and navigational controls. The Federal Aviation Administration urges that a partition basket is the safest way to fly.....another point I made to Gammey, for her nerves! Yes, Gammey is afraid of heights.

Our pilot takes his position.....
And so do we....
Words can not described Skyler's excitement. She was eager to get closer to the clouds, so as she put it, "To be closer to Papa, Grandma Iona and Bama!"
And Up, Up & Away.....
It was breathtaking to be immersed in the sunrise!
The other two balloons followed.....

Here are some lovely aerial shots of our gorgeous experience!

My favorite.......

Gammey was so brave and we were very proud of her! 

We floated peacefully over lakes, mega-mansions, orange groves, swampland areas, beautiful golf courses and could even see Disney World. It was so quiet that you could hear the sounds of nature below.
Towards the end of our flight, the winds started to change and so did our landing pad. We ended up landing on a gold course in Champions Gate. How amazing it was to gently graze the tree tops during our departure. The landing was super soft! Damien navigated the landing by pulling on large cords attached to the inside of the balloon. (see below)
Safely on the ground!
We did it!
All the passengers helped with the packing.....
Sky even jumped on top of the bag to help let out some air...
Our ride totaled of 13 adults and Skyler
The basket got loaded on the trailer....
And a sweet champagne toast was shared by all! The Princess enjoyed orange juice.
Cheers to God's beauty and a safe flight! After enjoying our mimosa, we journeyed back in the vans to the hotel. A tasty breakfast buffet awaited our arrival.
Skyler was awarded this wonderful experience for learning and reciting all her summer bible verses from Sunday school, while Gammey and I got to cross this adventure off our bucket list!

1 comment:

  1. I just wish I could have had the mimosa before I left the ground!
