Sunday, August 30, 2009
My Two Girls & Jamie, too!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Dreadnaught Football
You've never truly experienced a high school football game until you've sat in the stands at Bryant Stadium, a.k.a Castle Field, and watch the mighty Orange & Black! The crowd of usually 6000 or more pack the stadium and cheer relentlessly. Winning is a football tradition at Lakeland High School, home of 2 National Championships and 6 State Titles. My husband was a defensive coach during some of those glorious years and every where I go, I still hear, "Hey, you're Coach Short's wife"!
Skyler is now apart of this wonderful football family. She enjoyed her first LHS football game against cross town rival, the Lake Gibson Braves. Although it was just warm up game to the 2009 season, it was a fabulous family & Skyler amongst all our friends......showing our "Naught" pride! She even stayed awake during the entire 36-7 victory and she wasn't even fazed by the marching band or the ship's cannons going off after each score! Daddy left the coaching booth and joined us with less then 5 minutes to go. Quite a big difference from the baseball game, where she passed out in the 4th inning. She's definitely a football fan...just like Mummy & Daddy!
Just for kicks, I had to reminisce and throw in this picture (below) when Skyler was only one week old. ***wow....12 weeks ago*** Here she is with her Daddy, doing the oh-so famous Heisman Trophy pose! Enjoy....
Friday, August 28, 2009
Happy Friday!
If you're having a bad day, just peek at these pictures and you'll be sure to smile!
I'm hungry! .....Oh yeah, I got my hands!"
Cool bonnet, huh?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Beech Nut Babe
I've been told by family, friends and even her pediatrician, Dr. Eanett, that Skyler is a bit advanced for her tiny age. I have to agree, but then again, I am the proud, biased Mummy who can certainly brag a mile a minute! lol...
Well, since our alert little angel seems to be doing things four weeks ahead of schedule, Tom & I decided to launch stage two in the feeding category and introduce her to Beech Nut rice cereal for the first time this week. It was amazing to watch. Skyler took to that cereal and slurped every ounce that Daddy fed her. Her tummy was so full, she just crashed in his arms and went to la-la land..... probably to dream about sugar-n-spice & everything nice, because after all, isn't that what little girls are made of?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Papa's Pride
My Father and his band were invited to play the Bagpipes at the funeral of Tampa's fallen police officer, Cpl. Mike Roberts, who was killed in the line of duty last week. These pictures were taken moments before my Dad left Lakeland yesterday.
Thank you, Dad, for being there and for being such a wonderful part of Skyler's life. You were more then essential in my life as I was growing up. You were a beacon of truthfulness, common sense, kindness and silent courage. All traits that shall be past on to my child.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
12 Weeks and counting.....
Uptown girl in Ralph Lauren
Yes, another milestone reached........Little Miss Skyler turned 12 weeks old this past Friday! Oh how time flies, but isn't it sweet to reflect back on those wonderful, cherished memories? Like this one......86 days ago, where she was just a few hours old. Definitely love at first sight for Tom & I!
Well, it sure does seem like yesterday. The changes in her looks (week by week) are faithful and the progress of her sweet personality continues. It's amazing to witness, especially the developmental skills. Motherhood is simply awesome! Enjoy some more photos of Skyler in her beautiful dress that Glammey bought.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Three's a Charm!
During her 11th week, Skyler got to meet 3 more of my dear friends: Ginger Hargrove, Kathryn O'Malley and Amanda McCabe. Yes, she was quite the socialite this week and her Daddy said she's following in my footsteps! lol....

Thursday, August 20, 2009
7th Inning Stretch?
Joker Merchant Stadium, Spring Training Home to the Detroit Tigers
....Just for Skyler
Little Miss Skyler wearing my Kiwanis cap
I'd like to share this poem written by my sister's (Nicola) mother-in-law, Betty Lou Hebert. Betty Lou lives in Northern Idaho and has two chapbooks published and a historical romance novel, Heritage of Hawk Hill.Her pictures bring me smiles as well
And help her weave her magic spell!
It will be fun to watch her grow.
She will be beautiful I know!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A day at the office
"The Boss"
Skyler likes to do her morning aerobics on her jungle gym mat
Monday, August 17, 2009
Peek-A-Boo & Tiffany, too!
When little Miss Skyler was born, a distinctive shade of blue box appeared on our door step from her Auntie Nicola and Uncle Bogie. You know the one......every girls dream......the highly recognizable famed box that evokes images of elegance and exclusivity. Yes, you guessed it, a true American icon of style and sophistication............Tiffany & Co.

We opened this beautiful package and discovered a sterling silver double teething ring rattle. Gorgeous! I explained to Skyler how she now owns an exclusive Tiffany design piece. Undeniably chic. (plus I just had to mention to her that Tiffany & Co. is the creator of the Vince Lombardi Trophy and the Pittsburgh Steelers own NFL record! lol.....sorry Daddy!) Anyway, Skyler now has the ability to hold objects and even pull Mummy's hair, so I quickly removed that treasured rattle from the famous soft pouch and gave it to her. She loves it! It definitely gets packed and now goes every where with us. Check her & Tiffany out!
Friday, August 14, 2009
The East Coast Excursion
The West Coast Wayfarers
We had a wonderful day and a delicious meal. In fact, Tom enjoyed home made Steak & Kidney pie for the very first time! Yes, definitely a British delicacy!
Here is Little Miss Skyler with Glammey & Sally Rae and Jerry.

Daddy & Skyler chillin' out before dinner.