Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The SHORT family begins!

After tons of requests from family and friends, I'm finally blogging! (I'd like to call this my bragging page) Now you can all view the lovely progress of our precious baby girl, Skyler Leona Short.

Skyler's ten weeks old now and it has been pure joy in the Short household. After you view her week by week picture collage come follow us down memory lane..............

..............................................................2 Days old

1 week old

2 Weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks

5 weeks

6 Weeks

7 weeks

8 Weeks

9 weeks

10 weeks

Tom & I arrived at Lakeland regional Medical Hospital exactly on our 40th week of pregnancy on May 29th. After one hour and sixteen minutes of hard labor, our prayers were answered at 7:01pm as we were blessed holding a healthy 7lbs 8oz, 20 3/4 inches beautiful baby girl!

During the two days that we spent in the hospital, I felt like a celebrity. So many family and friends came to was standing room only! We brought our precious bundle of joy home in the afternoon on May 31st. I took the month of June off from work and soaked up every moment with my new daughter. By the time Skyler turned 4 weeks old, she was already holding her head up by herself and was sleeping in her own room & sleeping through the night! She is such a happy, easy going baby and only cries if her tummy is empty.

I came back to work on July 1st and brought Skyler with me. Guess you can say I have the best of both full time while doing it in my daughter's presence.

Tom and I feel truly blessed to have so much love and support from our family and friends.We love you all dearly and thank God every day for this beautiful life! I hope you enjoy following our blog about Skyler's precious life.

1 comment:

  1. of course this blog would be beautiful - there's pictures of Skyler. You and Nikki did a great job. And, life does begin at 40 -- just ask Roy (Sammy) we married on his 40th birthday.

    Much Love,

    Sue & Sammy
