Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Ahead

Daylight Saving Time gives us the opportunity to enjoy sunny summer evenings with our Sweet Skyler by moving our clocks an hour forward. Yet, it also confused Skyler's little biological clock. She slept until 8:30! Being well rested, she had a wonderful morning playing with Daddy yesterday.

Skyler received two rocking chairs recently. One from our dear friend Linda Piney and the other from my friend, George Hudson, who happens to be in my Kiwanis Club. Yes, even all the men in my Kiwanis Club love on her every Thursday and she eats it up! We put one in her bedroom and the other in the living room. She has enjoyed both of them quite a bit. Look, no hands!

Another new addition to our furniture is Skyler's very own dining chair. Now, she can sit with us around the kitchen island and be closer to us during dinner. It attaches itself to the granite and it's light & portable for restaurant use as well! Doesn't she look so sweet and mature? Skyler is just growing so quickly, looking less and less like that little baby we all loved!

1 comment:

  1. You are growing into such an adorable and precious little girl. I love you so very much my sweet Skyler
