For only being 2 1/2, Skyler can sure tell you a lot about Santa. She's even got his Ho-Ho-Ho with the pat on the tummy memorized. It's so sweet watching her get excited when she sees Christmas lights/decorations. The door bell pretty much rings every day and she always looks at me after hearing that "ding-dong" and quickly asks, "Mummy, is that Santa?" Needless to say, it will be a most memorable Christmas with our Sweet Pea.

Last week, my dear friend of 20 years, Sherri Kelley, stopped by to give Skyler some lovely holiday gifts.

She received 2 sets of adorable long pants pajamas, play high heels, pretties and a Discovery fish lamp.

The shoes were a huge hit, because Sky is all girl! She's worn them each day and just loves to dance in them. Her moves are too quick for me, but I tried to capture her anyway.

We shared a special afternoon with Sherri and just can't thank her and Ron for thinking of our Princess during this joyous season. Skyler wanted to wear her new pajamas that night so we did our usual play date before bedtime!

A few days later, Santa (aka Denise or "NeNe") came by the house to visit Miss Precious. NeNe comes over quite a bit and she's never empty handed. This day proved no different. NeNe brought Christmas gifts for Skyler and it was sweet watching her talk to Denise about baby Jesus.

Sky received three books and also an interactive Storybook with Jingle, the story buddy character. As you read the story aloud, Jingle the dog, chimes in. Such fun and it has definitely become her new bedtime partner. NeNe and the Princess have such a beautiful relationship. Like Mummy like Daughter!

Jingle goes with us every where.

Skyler recently saw Santa at my Kiwanis Christmas gathering at the Florida Baptist Children's Home. Each year, my club sponsors the party and we buy gifts for the boys and girls. Skyler has never missed the event. This now makes her 3rd and she had a great time singing Christmas carols and visiting all our K friends! Sky loves the song, "Jingle Bells" and can sing the entire song. Again, amazing memory....

She enjoyed eating breakfast with my girlfriend, Kathryn (aka KK) and Z (aka ZZ) I find it amazing how she remembers every body's names and even makes up her own special nick names!

Being with loved ones and remembering God's grace for us makes this season extra brighter! The Princess will be visiting Santa and his lap tomorrow for (hopefully) a good Kodak moment.

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