Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Reviews Are In!

Skyler continues to do weekly book reports for PreK and I've compiled the past four weeks for your enjoyment. These books are chosen by her and each drawing depicts her favorite part of the story. Up first is the book, "Construction Trucks". Definitely NO Princesses in this story.... 

 Skyler's favorite part was the loader back hoe that dug large holes to prepare the site.

 Ready to make her morning presentation!
Book number 2 of the monthly series was, "The Father Who Had 10 Children". Full of dramatic colors! This poor father dreamed of time alone, yet when he finally got his desire (thanks to Grandma) he missed his chaotic life. Book was a great validation for the exhausted parent in all of us! 
The very first time I read this story to Skyler, she interrupted me and asked, "Where is their Mommy?" I chuckled to myself and thought Momma is probably on vacation, but actually told Sky she was at the store. 
 Drawing all the little heads...
 Skyler's expression...."Wow, 10 KIDS!"
Skyler said her favorite part was when the children tied Grandma's shoe strings together. What I found amazing about her thinking, was the book never mentioned that silly act. It was only shown through a picture. She has such an eye for detail and the most amazing memory.
Can you find Grandma, among the 10 kids??
 Ready for another Friday morning class presentation....
The third week, Skyler chose the book, "Cows Can't Fly". A cute story about a little boy would didn't care about facts.

Skyler's favorite part of the story was when the teacher, Mrs. Crumb, explained to the children that Cow's can not fly due to their size and gravity. Sky enjoyed listening to me explain gravity. *whew*

 All set for another prized presentation....
And the final book chosen for the month of February was, "The Quilt Story". It happened to be Sky's favorite book of all four. A story about the consistency of Motherly love, even when everything else in the world seems to change.
Skyler would mention every day how her Auntie Cheryl has beautiful quilts in many rooms of her Tennessee home. Our little observer now wants one for her bed!

Skyler's favorite part of the story, was how the little girl Abigail, loved to play with her quilt by making it her gown while riding her play pony. That is quite a familiar site in our home!
 Don't you just love the Stick horse's brown ears!
And #4....
I have seen dramatic changes in Skyler from language skills to social & emotional development. We are so very proud of hers progress We have recently started addition and that's become a fun and constant "game" in our home. I know her  development is also greatly influenced by factors of her environment. I am blessed to offer her many wonderful opportunities through the organizations I belong to. We've been told by professionals that her skill level is compared to the beginning stages of a 1st grader. "Sky"'s the limit for our precious gift from God!

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