As mentioned
in an earlier blog, Daddy and I buckled up sweet
Skyler and traveled west on Interstate 4. It was only a 66 mile journey to Glammey & Papa's and she slept the entire way. (Skyler always passes out in a moving car) Once we got to my parents, Skyler quickly found her way into her Glammey's of her favorite places to be! She also got to meet some very dear friends of the "Green" family, Sally Rae and Jerry Schmeer. They have been apart of my life since I was 12 years old. Such a great couple..... married for over 50 years and now, apart of my daughter's life. How cool is that? :) We had a wonderful day and a delicious meal. In fact, Tom enjoyed home made Steak & Kidney pie for the very first time! Yes, definitely a British delicacy!

Here is Little Miss
Skyler with Glammey & Sally Rae and Jerry.

Daddy &
Skyler chillin' out before dinner.
I always passed out in the car too! My mom told me stories of taking drives just to get me to sleep. And I still do it, just ask Austin, if I'm not driving and we are in the car for more than an hour, it's night night Nikki.