Friday, November 20, 2009

Copy Cat

Skyler is definitely showing signs of an outgoing personality. She tries to interact with every object that she sees. One of her favorite games to play is "Copy Cat" and boy is it hilarious. She's in this stage of imitating all our facial expressions and even recreating the physical fun. Example... I love to make the 'mmmmm' sound as I slowly move toward her and nibble on her cheek. After a few playful hungry moves, she'll open her mouth and try to gobble up my cheek. Just way too cute!

Hard to believe she's 25 weeks today! Because of her independence, Skyler is able to enjoy her toys a lot more. She can transfer objects from one hand to another, while sitting upright without any help. Skyler has been crawling for a month now and seems to be getting quicker each day. She can even hold her own spoon and enjoys many fruits and vegetables....pears and sweet corn casserole are her favorite!

We gave Skyler a new toy this week and showed her how to push on the frog's head to make the inside balls spin. After a couple of lessons, she was pumping the frog's head up and down......Miss Copy Cat! Below are pictures capturing her fun. She is wearing the most adorable, personalized ladybug onesie made by her cousin Nikki.


  1. She is a riot with all these facial expressions. She's at such a fun age.
    I know you guys are really enjoying her so much.

  2. I love her soooo much. I JUST LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!
