In the Short Household, weekends are always full of excitement. Whether we spend it away or just stay home, the Princess finds delight in all her toys. Spin some music into the mix and she becomes a non-stop dancing bean! Here she is rocking out with Baby Caylee. I snapped the picture as she was "Oh-Oh-Oh"and snapping her fingers!

Followed by some dancing.....

After Sunday worship, we spent the afternoon at Camp Gilead enjoying a picnic and witnessing eight baptisms with many other family members from our church. The camp is a non-denominational Bible camp that has served our area for nearly 70 years! It is an amazing Christ-centered environment, employing full time, qualified Christian workers. The camp also provides local churches, Christian schools, and other groups a place to hold fall, winter and spring retreats and conferences. Each year, many members from our church sacrificially give their time and skill to make Camp Gilead a wonderful place to visit.

Skyler loves her friend Charlotte and has enjoyed many play dates at the park with her, so it was no surprise to find the two together during the festivities.

As I mentioned, eight baptisms were held that afternoon.......all eight were members from our church, including me!

Skyler enjoyed sitting in the water next to her Daddy while they witnessed my baptism. As I was giving my testimony, the Princess started waving and saying, "Hi, Mummy." Just so sweet.
As you all know, this blog is a documentation of Skyler's life and I was a bit hesitant to post the following pictures, since it is all about HER. After talking to Tom, we decided to share them, so Skyler will always have this memory printed in a book for her enjoyment during her adult life.

Above, sharing my testimony with Pastor Tom and below, making my commitment.

Definitely a special day!

Afterwards, Sweet Pea splashed around in the lake and collected some shells. Her other church friend, Boaz, played along side her. We had a very memorable Sunday and we never stop thanking God for all His wonderful blessings!

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