Don't you just love this time of year? The weather is cooling, Fall is definitely present and the holidays are quickly approaching. This weekend we headed to Lakeland's best pumpkin patch located on the same lake but just 1/2 mile from our church. The Princess was eager to run through the pumpkin patch and she was dressed for the part......a hand made Halloween dress!

Once she got out of the car, she just had a blast following Daddy up and down the rows. Pumpkins were every where and we sure had a giddy toddler on our hands!

Skyler's night was made even sweeter when she bumped into her pal, Clayton! they wasted no time searching for the right pumpkin.

She was partial to the itty bitty pumpkins and kept bringing me two at a time. I was amazed by the variety, especially in color!

As you can tell by the many photos I snapped, we had such fun watching our Sweet Pea and she had a delightful evening, smiling all the way, as she examined many pumpkins.

It was difficult to get Skyler to sit still for some family pictures, although we made an effort. She just wanted to explore!

You can't go to a pumpkin patch without sneaking in a kiss. In fact, a photographer for our local Lakeland Ledger newspaper was there and got a picture of Sky kissing Clayton. he kept telling me how beautiful she was. It should appear in tomorrow's newspaper, so I'll keep you all posted.

We're hoping to carve our pumpkin this week and I'll be sure to post some pictures. I'm certain Skyler will enjoy helping with this project! So, have you got your pumpkin yet? :)

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