Friday, January 28, 2011

Miss Fashion

I promised you all a few movie-star glamorous pics of our Princess in one of her dresses that looks like it was purchased from a exclusive store on Rodeo Drive or Madison Avenue. Vastly unique & quite gorgeous to say the least! Thank you Auntie Nicola & Uncle Bogie.

..and now, without the jacket

...stunning back view

This darling outfit debuted recently, courtesy of Auntie Cheryl & Uncle Charles. I am looking forward to visiting that Baby Boutique in Tennessee during our 2nd Annual Girl's Trip this April!

And waiting in the closet line is this pink beauty from Glammey & Papa. Sure wish they made Skyler's clothes in my size. Now, that would be fun! Dressing like twins...ooohhh the choices!

Who knew dressing the Princess would be this enchanting! Tom and I are truly blessed to have such a loving and gracious family.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - what gorgeous dressed on a gorgeous little girl! Where will she wear them? Perhaps you will have to start hosting gala events for toddlers so she can strut her stuff :-)
