Thursday, May 24, 2012

Creating Milestones

Witnessing Skyler develop from a infant to a toddler was amazing. We're now watching one of the greatest developments of all. Toddler to Pre-K. Skyler is such lover for school. She is now more graceful, coordinated and such a complex thinker. She can easily follow directions and can focus on a task. Recently, the school administrator told me that Skyler has the skills of kindergartners. As parents, Tom and I work with her daily with a variety of  language art building skills.  
Sky knows her alphabet, knows letter recognition & even knows how to letter match. She can spell her name and can count to 30. Colors and shapes are a thing from the past! She indulges in books and educational games. The following pictures are a few examples of our "one-on-one" academic process. This game serves three purposes: Memory, Discovery of "Letter" Sounds and Matching Upper Case to Lower Case Letters. I find it fascinating that she can point out any letter that you ask for and can also match the Upper Case to the Lower Case. 
Her memory is quite impressive. Daddy will put down nine cards at a time. After she views each one, he then turns the cards over and calls out a letter. Skyler then picks out & turns over the correct card!  
Many have inquired about her fondness for school. She truly soaks up every minute. This week's theme was about Ladybugs and the bible lesson was "Encouraging One Another". (how appropriate on both counts!)  The children made ladybugs hats and Sky kept hers on throughout the entire day. She was proud and couldn't wait to show her Daddy!

Her coloring habits have stayed the same. Still precise and grouped. When I walk into her classroom, artwork from the children, fill the walls. I can stand back, scan the room quickly and always pick out my daughter's "master pieces". Funny, but always! While other children scribbled a variety of colors, leaving no white paper left to be seen, Skyler's creations look like this: 

"What fun things did you do in school today?" is an exciting question that I get to ask at noon and Skyler is always eager to share her day. I've realized there is no magical recipe for successful parenthood, but if we just continue to praise her accomplishments and strengths while providing support and encouragement whenever needed, I'm certain we're heading in a positive direction for a successful relationship along with a great attitude!

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