Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Gammey Only!

Skyler had a great time with Gammey from Wednesday thru Saturday. You would never had known that Daddy and I were around. All we heard during those four days was, "Gammey, Gammey, Gammey!" The two were inseparable indoors and out. Sky couldn't wait to show Gammey her cool bubble machine.

And what's a day spent outside without some fun inside the play house! 

Skyler even taught Gammey some tee ball techniques.

The fun continued inside....

They did share some R-n-R time, starting with a Tinker Bell movie on Gammey's iPad.
And then ending the weekend with a lovely tea party for about 14 guests.

Skyler decided the tea party wasn't complete without putting on her new Princess dress and crown that Gammey bought her from her recent trip to Tennessee.

It was derfinitely a grand time and Skyler is super excited to spend another four days with her favorite buddy tomorrow. Can't wait to capture their upcoming hoopla! Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME pictures of Sky and Gammey!! You can definitely see the love they have for each other. Just wonderful!
