We ended the week with more laughter, a larger vocabulary and tons of farm sounds! When Skyler sees an animal, especially a dog or a cat, she'll mimic their sounds. I can't wait for our girl's trip to Tennessee. Sky will be in heaven with her Auntie Cheryl's farm animals. She's even good at impersonating a horse & a pig!

Each morning, the Princess enjoys her breakfast and I always give her a different piece of fruit. This week it was blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, apples and bananas. She's such a delightful eater and craves all the good fruits & veggies! The above picture shows her eating a banana. Skyler has such a great view from her dining chair. She can see all the outside surroundings through our living room window. Our neighbor across the street has a few cats that like to come over and sun bath on our paved drive way. Each time Skyler spots a cat, she points and screams kitty!

She certainly knows all her animals, so taking her back to the zoo will be a blast. Check her out pointing at the coaster. She even recognizes a cartoon cat.

Speaking of cats, I was channel surfing and stumbled upon Dr. Seuss' "Cat in the Hat" program. A first for Skyler and she definitely enjoyed the animated version of the book.

The weather stayed lovely all week, so we squeezed in a lot of outdoor fun and play time in the garden. She likes to give my metal art work (butterfly) a kiss. I explained to her that these were hand made with tons of love from her Auntie Nicola and Uncle Bogie. They are just gorgeous, especially when the sun hits them.

Skyler loves her daily bubble baths, but lately, she's been getting excited when I do the dishes. Perhaps it's because she sees all the bubbles. Plus she gives me a strong sign of wanting to get in the sink by taking off her clothes in the kitchen! Well, here she is in our kitchen sink, loving the bubbles. Thank goodness it's big enough for her. (sorry for the morning sun)

She even likes to be sprayed with the nozzle.

Skyler received her own cd music player from Lakeland's Head Football Coach, Bill Castle & his wife, Shelley. She has been enjoying it daily and even sings to the songs.

Laney jumped in the action and had fun at first, but by the looks of her expression in the last picture, she had enough of Skyler's singing! Too funny... Sky was really belting out those tunes.

The days are never complete without fun time in the play house.

I think the Princess is making fun of me in the picture below. She watches me daily as I do my scissor exercises. I guess this is what I must look like............lol!

That's a wrap.......Happy Friday!!