Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Grand" Time!

National Grandparents Day is observed in this great country on the 2nd Sunday in September of every year. Well, in the Short Household, Grandparents Day is every Tuesday and Skyler probably wishes it was every day!

After working in the field all day today, I came home to an empty house, but could hear laughter coming from the back yard, so I knew the entire clan was enjoying this beautiful weather. I grabbed my camera & never thought in my wildest dreams, that I'd see my Mum in a children's gym fort. (I'm sure my sisters would agree) Well, they say pictures speak a thousand words.....lol

Sky just has the greatest time with her Glammey & Papa and they sure have fun with her! I had to throw in this adorable picture of the Princess taken this past Sunday! I just think she just gets prettier & prettier by the day!

1 comment:

  1. Jacki told me glammey was up in the fort. I did not believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!! Skyler sure is lucky to have grand parents like you two !!!

    Love Tom
