I continue to teach Skyler about the importance of being a good citizen and helping the world around her. She has learned a lot through volunteering and is always happy to be my partner on many service projects in Lakeland.
Today the Princess joined me and four other Kiwanis members by sponsoring and serving ice cream and cookies to 213 deserving students at Carlton Palmore Elementary school. This special party acknowledges the students academic excellence or perfect attendance. We got started at 12:45, putting out cookies and the ice cream cups. Here's Sky talking to our longest member, Jim Dry. Jim has 55 years of perfect attendance in our Kiwanis club! Every Thursday morning, Jim leads us in our singing. He's an amazing man with a golden heart.
Skyler's job was to walk around the cafeteria and ask the students to raise their hand if they wanted sprinkles on their ice cream.
She did such a fantastic job! Sky is proving to be a wonderful leader as she serves her community along side me! Check out these next pictures of my little Kiwanian. Sky was so friendly and the kids, ranging from Kindergarten to 5th grade, adored her personality.
The party lasted over an hour. I rewarded Sky for all her hard work by letting her enjoy her own tub of ice cream....green sprinkles included!
I'm certain through Sky volunteering at an early age, she will have a solid foundation of moral values upon which she can build a lifetime of good character. She experiences the excitement of learning to make a difference in her world. What a great way to end our week!