Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Hunt

Last week at school was all about the Gingerbread Man. It began with Skyler bringing home a Gingerbread Man template to decorate. She choose all the designs and colors by herself and then glued her masterpiece together before bringing it back to school last Monday. Mrs. Fitzsimmons displayed each student's unique Gingerbread Man creations on the art board. (see above) 
I was blessed to participate in the three day Gingerbread Man event. The morning started off with the classic folk tale, "The Gingerbread Man". Sure brought back wonderful childhood memories when I heard the line, "Run, Run fast as you can! You can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man!".

After story time and with the help from the students, Mrs Fitzsimmons made a large size gingerbread man from scratch.. I would call each child to help with the recipe and once it  was all mixed together and rolled out, it was time for Mrs. Fitzsimmons to decorate the yummy cookie.  The kids really liked this part!

Then it was off to the cafeteria to bake....

We returned to the cafeteria about 15 minutes later to pick up our yummy friend, but we were told by the staff that the Gingerbread Man had escaped! This began the three day hunt!
Clues were left and read by many faculty members, staring with a Cafeteria worker.
The clue mentioned books, so we headed to the library...
The students found a mess left behind from the Gingerbread man himself and Mrs Hicks read another clue.
Sky couldn't stop talking about this vanishing cookie. She told me that he must have heard everyone talking about eating him so that's why he ran off with his fast shoes!
More clues continued on Day #2, starting in the Nurses office...
We kept following the brown footprints, hoping to capture our tasty treat!
Clue # 2 led us all to Mrs. Richey's office. She's the school's guidance counselor and just happens to be our dear friend!
The children listened intensely to Clue #3, read by one of the school Secretary, Jill Thompson. 
The search continued from offices to classrooms. Below is the Assistant Principle Inetta Bennett reading another clue.
The fun continued in Mrs. Bassett's art class. The Gingerbread Man really made a mess with the paints!

By the end of Day #2, we left Mrs. King's music class still puzzled over the Gingerbread man's disappearance.
Sky had to play the piano before leaving....
Come day 3, the search and the clues continued. We went to some 2nd grade classes of Mrs. Baltz and Mrs. Stephens.

Searching the hallways with her "boy crush", Anthony....
Mrs. Baltz reads a clue....
Before venturing around the school grounds that Wednesday, the children decided to set a trap and lure him with animal crackers. It worked! By 11AM, the Gingerbread Man was finally caught and the children were overjoyed! This picture shows Skyler and some of her classmates around the trap.
The kids were so excited to finally have him back in their possession.  
Unfortunately for this sneaky cookie, he was gobbled up by the children! It was such a fun activity that had Skyler talking the entire three days about her allusive Gingerbread Man! I received the recipe from Mrs. Fitzsimmons, but Skyler told me we could not add any Vanilla (because it makes him sneaky) or any sprinkles to his shoes (makes him speedy) as we we bake him. Too cute!

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