Saturday, April 5, 2014

Quest For The Dress

Unless you've been living under a rock, then you know that Disney's movie, Frozen, has captivated millions of Americans including our lovely Princess Skyler. The movie premiered November 27th and within a week, Sky got to see this sweet, magical film filled with great music, likable characters and striking effects. She was hooked before seeing the movie a second AND third time! 
Skyler can sing every song word for word from the movie and can even mimic Queen Elsa's powers. This has made playtime quite amusing and I love watching her imagination run wild. From day one, Sky has been mesmerized by Elsa's dress.  
One afternoon, Daddy brought it home from the store but told the Princess she had to earn it by doing certain exercises that would make her stronger for gymnastics. Hence the Quest For The Dress began. Daddy placed miniature, colorful cloths pins down the side of the dress and each time Skyler would accomplish her pull ups, she was able to remove a pin. She worked so hard toward her goal and never gave up!

After six long weeks, that valuable lesson of earning something deeply desired (through hard work) paid off. The dress was finally HERS! Her smile made our hearts melt! I was so proud of her dedication and commitment. 

There isn't a day that goes by where our Princess doesn't parade around the house as Queen Elsa while belting out the song, "Let It Go!" Our English speaking daughter can now sing the song in Spanish. Did I mention she's crazy about the movie Frozen?  

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