Thursday, March 10, 2011

Just The Right Size

Many of you know that my dearest and closest friends (Micki, Denise, Kathryn & Heather) do not have children and even after becoming friends with Tom's pals, their kids are now young college adults, so it was no secret that finding play dates for the Princess was difficult...until now!

Our family has been strongly embraced by our Church, especially Skyler! She's so well loved and also quite popular in the church nursery. Recently, we were invited with some other church Ladies and their kiddos for a Wednesday play date at a local park.

The Sunflower Preschool Playground at Barnett Family Park is Lakeland's newest treasure. It is specifically designed for children between the age 0f 2-5. The design includes a bright & colorful pallet of play equipment selected for imagination qualities, the ability to produce physical development and most! And fun did we have! Sky started off on the swing and pretty much explored every inch of this downtown park. What was great for the adults were the benches, large umbrellas and everything was enclosed.

Joining us was Tina and her daughter Charlotte, Jennifer and her son Lex, Dr Roz with her son Jack and since one of the Church moms was sick, Tina brought Christy-Anna's sons Oliver & Boaz.

Skyler loves trucks and buses and can sure pick them out while we are traveling around in the car. Once she laid eyes on this truck gym set, it became her most visited destination.

With Lex......

More play activities....

Sea-Sawing with Oliver....

Some fun twirling in chair cups.....

We had to convince the kids to take a break from all that fun and rest while eating some lunch. This next picture shows Moms Jennifer (in white shirt) and Tina with the kiddos.

Pictured above is Oliver, Charlotte & Sky.

A quick group shot then back to play time!

Ducks are predominate in Lakeland's lakes, so of course the city incorporated a large plastic one in the park design. Skyler thought it was pretty cool! A visit to a turtle and a dinosaur was next.

There was even a section to make music with bright plastic figurines. 6 different sets of Bongos included!

Working on her driving skills.....

Ending on another swing with Charlotte....

Petting a puppy before leaving.......

As you can tell by the many pictures, Skyler had a wonderful Wednesday. Us "Moms" have decided to return in 2 weeks for another adventurous day in the park! Lakeland is a great, generous community that really care for the kids!

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