Our weekend was spent enjoying the many activities and beautiful surroundings in Medeira Beach. Glammey & Papa have been cruising the Mediterranean for over three weeks, but before venturing off, they offered us their condo any time during their absence and we sure jumped on this gift!

We arrived Friday afternoon & Skyler just knew the way to her Grandparents front door. Riding the elevator to the top floor is an added bonus for the Princess. As soon as we opened the front door, she quickly dashed in yelling, "Papa....Baby...Papa". Yes, she calls Glammey, "Baby"! Anyway, after unpacking and getting Laney settled in, we visited some shops and then had a tasty dinner at a local family owned diner. Once the morning arrived, Skyler was in full form and had quite the energy to begin her day! She has always loved jumping on her Grandparent's bed, so that's how we started off the morning.

After eating breakfast and soaking in all the wildlife from the patio, we spent the morning at the Wagon Wheel Flea Market, walking away with some great finds! This place is huge and those three hours went by quite quickly. Sky was a perfect gem in her stroller as we explored the countless rows.
Upon returning, Daddy went to a semi private golf club to hit some balls and the three of us walked the nature trail in my parent's neighborhood, checking out all the birds, ducks and fish.

The views are magnificant in every direction. From the front balcony.....
to the side of my parents unit......

Skyler has become quite the organizer. She can spend a good hour putting everything in rows or sections, only to remove it and then start all over again. She found Glammey's collection of bottled bubbles and decided to make this her project while we got packed for the beach.

Here she is moving each bottle and counting the trips out loud. It was encouraging to hear her count to four all by herself! Back and forth she went, lining up the bottles......

The best part of the day was spent at the beach, just minutes away. It was her first trip to this sandy, paradise island for 2011 but nothing had changed from year prior. Her smiles were still huge and her adventure for sand & surf were very present! Just want to warn you of the many pictures ahead. The Princess loves, loves, loves the beach and had a blast in her new bathing suit from cousin Nikki.....

A 2 1/2 year old little girl named Shyanne spotted Skyler and came over to play for awhile.

We took a quick lunch break & Skyler has become a chip lover!

then it was back to more sand play.....

By 5:30, we decided to pack up and make a pit stop at Daddy's favorite watering hole, The American Legion. Luckily,we were able to use Papa's membership card without any problems and of course, she was the star amongst all the people, capturing the attention of so many. Waving & saying "Hi" to everyone.

After eating dinner at a steak house, we loaded the car and headed back to Lakeland. It was such a wonderful two day get-a-way as a family and it certainly was a fantastic way to begin the first day of Spring! Happy Spring, everyone!
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