Christmas in April, you say? Well, if I'm going to start where I left off then December 25th is it!
Skyler's 3rd Christmas was magical. She was excited all week and kept reminding us that Santa was coming to visit! On Christmas Eve, Skyler she helped us decorate a plate full full of cookies as we set out a glass of milk for good 'ole St. Nick. The Princess' memory did not fail her upon waking up. In fact, the first thing she did was run over to the now empty plate, yelling, "Santa came, Santa came!"ristmas in April, you say? Well, I figured if I'm going to start where I left off, then December 25th it is! I'm warning you all up front...tons of pictures ahead! In fact, I've composed three posts all into one! Beginning with our morning celebration at home, followed by Christmas at Gammey & Papa's condo then ending the holiday week at Auntie Kevie & Uncle Dog's pad.PART I
After our morning hugs and kisses, Skyler wasted no time turning her attention to the presents under the tree that were wrapped in Mickey Mouse paper.
Putting her organizational skills to use, our Sweetie started removing her gifts from under the tree and transferred the into one large pile. It was quite amusing to watch. No tearing into the packages...it was more like forming a plan, gathering up her loot and constructing her area.

Once she was pleased with her layout, she began opening all her goodies from Santa Claus. I captured her excitement through the lens. From an air hockey table, to t-ball set, to Legos, to a piano to stocking stuffers, our Sweet Pea had a blast (and we did too)! This is definitely a fun age to witness and the holidays make it extra special!

After opening all her gifts, Sky Miss. Thoughtful immediately wanted to write Santa a thank you note. So sweet!

Then it was a quick, fun game of air hockey with Daddy before getting ready to drive over to St. Petersburg to spend the afternoon with her Grandparents & Aunts and Uncles!

The Princess was excited to spend the rest of the day at her Papa & Gammey's home. It was such a beautiful sunny day and I know we all felt extra blessed sharing this Christmas with my Daddy.
Same excitement just a different house......

I will cherish this next picture forever. Papa & his PrincessSkyler having a talk then sharing a warm hug & sweet kiss. I only wish my camera snapped photos quick enough to capture the embrace. At least I have that memory permanently engraved. Although it would become my Father's last Christmas, the entire family was together and that just made the holiday a bigger blessing!
Skyler certainly enjoys being creative. Whether it's with crayons, markers, paints or blocks. She started off with her activity center and ended with her Legos and new Lego table. njoyed all her gifts, and quickly began playing with her art supplies followed by the lLgos & Lego table. The Princess loves to create...whether using crayons, markers, paints or blocks.njoysShe started off with ShS

Relaxing over a story....
SkyThe Princess' 3rd Christmas will remain very dear to me. How wonderful it was to be together on Jesus' birthday! There was just so much love in her Grandparents condo and we certainly soaked it all up!
During Daddy's Christmas break, we drove to Merritt Island to relish in more holiday festivities with Uncle Dog, Auntie Kevie and cousins Nikki, Jodi, Jared, & Jordan. Another gorgeous sunny day in Florida with our beautiful blonde toddler!
Our toddler is quite amused with trains and really enjoyed watching the convoy go round and round the Christmas tree. Cousin Jared did an excellent job engineering the train! :) And yes, that's Dingo in a pink dress!
ler is amused by trains and really enjoyed watching the convoy go round and round the tree. Cousin Jared did a great job engineering it :) and yes, that's Dingo in a pink dress!

After the train action, it was airplane talk! Uncle "Dog" Larry, Skyler & Cousin Jared hung out in Jared's old room that is decorated with many hanging planes. Super Aeronautical fun!
Gift opening time! She's become quite the pro...
Each time we visit, it's become "a must" for Sky Sky hto fed the ducks that are located on a small pond just a few houses away. She grabbed Cousin Nikki and some bread and off they went!
Relaxing by the pool. I just love these shots...
All the excitement definitely created an appetite and we enjoyed a delicious dinner prepared by Auntie Kevie & Cousin Nikki.
Here's Skyler posing with the new Mrs. Roark and the future Mrs. Clark!
After dinner, we all enjoyed watching Cousin Jodi & Dustin's wedding video. Skyler was dressed in her jammies and matched her newest Disney gift! And keeping with tradition, Sky received a custom made ornament. A real lady bug beauty!
Our family certainly enjoyed all three parts of our 2011 Christmas celebration. Although my Daddy is no longer with us, he will always be by our side in love and spirit. His memory will forever live on!s memory will linger on forever!PHYSICALLY, HE WILL ALWAYS BEBY OUR SIDE IN LOVE AND SPIRIT. His memory will forever
So happy to relive Skyler's 3rd Christmas! Loved all the pictures. Her Christmas dress was beautiful!
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Love to all.