Friday, August 30, 2013

Gearing Up For Labor Day!

Just finished another FAB week at school and we are looking forward to a relaxing Labor Day weekend at Lake Roy with Tom's family and dear friends! Since Labor Day is all about celebrating the hard work of Americans, we knew that we wanted to honor Mrs. Fitzsimmons' dedicated work, so we made her a "Thanks A Latte" goodie bag. It's identical to the one we made Ms. Maryl last week. 
 Skyler gave it to her today and she loved it :)
We hope you all have a fantastic Labor Day weekend! Since it's a weekend celebrated as the symbolic end of summer, do make it a grand one! See you all sometime the middle of next week! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. You are always so thoughtful, Jacki. I know Mercedes appreciates this nice gift as did I. Enjoy the family weekend. XOXOXOXOX.
